The Inspiring Journey of Geetaben Jethva, A Beacon of Resilience and Empowerment

Geetaben, a devoted wife and mother of four daughters and a son, found herself at a crossroads when her husband passed away suddenly in 2018, leaving her to shoulder all responsibilities on the family farm. Despite having worked alongside her husband before his passing, managing the farm single-handedly proved to be a daunting challenge. In addition to tending to the land, she had to navigate the complexities of raising her children as a widow.

Her late husband, Bharat Bhai Jethva, had been a pioneer in Mundra district, known for being the first farmer to cultivate Dragon fruit, or Kamalam, in the region. He harbored dreams of producing premium organic Kamalam and bringing it to a wider market. Determined to honor his legacy, Geetaben took up the mantle of continuing his vision and elevating Kamalam cultivation to new heights.

With four acres of land under her care, Geetaben diversified the farm by cultivating a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Despite the toll that chemical-based farming took on her health, she persevered in her efforts until a fortuitous encounter with the Adani Foundation in her village changed the course of her farming practices.

Attending a Natural Farming training organized by the Adani Foundation, Geetaben gained valuable insights into sustainable agricultural techniques. Inspired by the possibilities of natural farming, she approached the foundation for further support and guidance. Encouraged by her passion for chemical-free farming, the Foundation equipped her with essential tools such as a Biogas Kit, Drip Irrigation system, Vermicompost development, and knowledge of Jivaamrut.

Implementing these new techniques on her farm, Geetaben witnessed remarkable improvements in soil fertility, crop yield, and overall farm health. The transition to natural farming not only benefited her land but also paved the way for her children's bright future. Her daughters pursued engineering degrees, while her son enrolled in Anand Agriculture University with aspirations to carry on the family legacy of innovative farming practices.

Geetaben's dedication to continuous learning and her commitment to promoting natural farming have earned her respect and admiration in her community. Through her journey, she has become a beacon of strength and inspiration, encouraging other farmers to embrace sustainable practices for a more prosperous and sustainable agricultural sector.

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